SIRE 2.0: The Human Factors Approach

SIRE 2.0: The Human Factors Approach

OCIMF introduced SIRE 2.0 with an enhanced focus on human factors to improve safety and environmental protection in the maritime industry. The updated Ship Inspection Report Programme incorporates human factors considerations as a core element to systematically address issues influencing errors and decisions causing risks. Therefore, the Human Factors Approach introduced by OCIMF is the…

Media Handling

Media Handling

As conventional norms regarding press and media interactions change, businesses, including those in the shipping industry, must reconsider their approaches to reputation management. An essential aspect of media handling is effective media crisis management, which requires proactive risk mitigation and careful information management, especially for false reports. To effectively address false information, it is essential…

Personnel basket transfer

Personnel basket transfer

The transfer of personnel by crane between vessels and installations using personnel baskets has been common practice in the offshore oil and gas industry for many years and the hazards are well known. However, seafarers on cargo vessels are less likely to participate in such transfers and may not be familiar with this activity or…

Mooring Process and Safe Practices

Mooring Process and Safe Practices

The mooring process, as outlined by the OCIMF’s Mooring Equipment Guidelines (MEG4), encompasses a comprehensive set of guidelines designed to ensure the safety and efficiency of mooring operations. These guidelines detail every step of the mooring process, emphasizing the importance of meticulous planning, execution, and management to mitigate risks. Safety is very important, and OCIMF…

Pilot Ladder & Transfer Arrangements

Pilot Ladder & Transfer Arrangements

Maritime pilots worldwide use pilot ladder arrangements to board and disembark from ships. When using a ladder, they depend on the safety measures in place. However, improper use can pose serious risks, with the IMO noting that pilot ladders are a common cause of transfer accidents. International regulations have established requirements for pilot boarding arrangements…

Polar Code

Polar Code

As global trade and tourism expand, the number of ships navigating polar waters is growing, leading to increased risk of accidents and environmental damage in these areas. The polar code aims to address these risks by providing a mandatory framework for ships operating in Arctic and Antarctic waters. The polar code entered into force on…